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The Bibliobibuli over at The Book Tales has visited Gold Coast City and enjoyed herself immensely as shown by this review that can only be described as too fine! If you find yourself in need of some advice on what to read (and news on discounts and freebies) stop by and check them out because seriously, the only thing they can’t do is give bad literary advice. I’m not kidding. They physically can’t do it. It’s like they were born that way…


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A special thanks to Jaidis, Sheri, and the other fine folks over at Juniper Grove who’ve given Dane Curse a great review and a ginny five stars, booyah! Definitely visit their site because by ‘grove’ they mean there’s enough literary information and services to fill a freakin’ forest. Man, all these five star reviews should be going to my head! But then I remember the 101 literary agent rejections which makes me call my boss and thank her for the job, yay waitering!